Kanye West Goes On Epic Tech Rant

Rapper Kanye West took the tech world to task in an epic rant pleading for help from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. 

This is the second time Kanye has pleaded for assistance from Zuckerberg, after the rapper revealed he was $53 million in debt.

Kanye could have probably gotten an audience from Zuckerberg in a more conspicuous manner, but maybe he tried judging by his comments in the tweets below.


But midway through, Kanye’s pleas turned to anger with accusations that folks in Silicon Valley love the Hip-Hop artists but turn them away when help is needed.


Kanye is on point if you’re referring to lack of diversity of employees and thought leaders of the big tech companies.

But several notable tech investors and executives, like Ben Horowitz and Nas’ business relationship, Snoop Dogg with his Casa Verde tech fund and Chamillionaire’s partnership with Upfront Ventures’ Mark Suster are investing in Hip-Hop stars and their tech ambitions.


While Kanye will get Zuckerberg’s attention, getting him to invest will probably be a lot harder, considering the error filled organization chart outlining his business ideas.


His final tweet my confirm Rhymefest’s recent assessment that Kanye West is in need of mental help.