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The Feds vs The Private Sector: Who Grows The Best Pot?

Marley Natural Marijuana Strain

Marley Natural Marijuana Strain

As policy is crafted for the end of marijuana prohibition, there are many unanswered questions pertaining to medical grade cannabis.

Under current laws, scientists have extreme difficulty when applying for credentials to study this mythical plant.
The way the law is mandated only allows for select people to grow the crop legally. The extreme compliance measures required to grow for research purposes often makes it difficult to keep consistency across various studies.
In fact, the marijuana the government currently grows is significantly lower in THC and CBD than what is available in states like Colorado, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska, for recreational purposes.
While the government is produces and provides some product to study, it is not really that relevant to the marijuana industry as a whole, because the weed is not nearly as potent the crops private growers have been able to cultivate.
However, the private producers have identified certain characteristics regarding different genetics in marijuana, so the industry is better suited to provide patients with the ultimate customized experience.
Once federal law regulates the distribution of medical marijuana the research will catch up with the needs of patients nationwide.
But when a consumer finds a strain that works for their specific ailment it becomes a clear benefit to their lifestyle, they will cop, no matter if it is from the feds or a privatized company.

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