Three Ways DJ Khaled Is Helping Students Prepare For College

DJ Khaled’s Snapchat is used for way more than just talking the latest music.

In addition to letting users get a glimpse into what it’s like to be a superstar producer/mobile, DJ Khaled has decided to do something good for the millions of followers he has as the “King of Snapchat.”
Khaled and BET Networks have teamed with non-profit organization Get Schooled, the first ever campaign to utilize technology and social media, including Snapchat and text messaging, in order to give high school seniors extra support during the college application process.
In a survey of high school seniors, Get Schooled found that while 93% expect to go to college after high school, one in five have never been to a college campus.
Only about half of all high school seniors have a close relationship with their guidance counselor and many are managing the college application process on their own.
“More high school seniors than ever before recognize the importance of getting an education beyond high school, but many are lacking the information and know-how to successfully earn a post-secondary degree,” Marie Groark, Executive Director of Get Schooled told “The College Application Campaign is designed to close that gap by offering support and resources we know they need.”
With the support of BET Networks, as part of its Next Level education campaign, and Get Schooled alumni, Get Schooled will host more than 20 college tours on its Snapchat account through 2016, including University of Pennsylvania, Howard University, UCLA, University of Kansas and Spelman College.
Prospective college students will be able to view tours of popular college campuses from the perspective of a current college student.
High school students can ask questions before the tour to ensure the tour answers any questions they have about a specific campus or college life generally.
If you’re wondering about the application process DJ Khaled and Get Schooled have you covered.
Here are the three main takeaways from the program.


Led by an experienced writing coach, Get Schooled will offer students feedback on the structure, tone and effectiveness of their personal statement.

This is the second year Get Schooled has offered this service. Last year, it helped more than 250 students with their personal statements.

With support from AT&T, Get Schooled offers college guidance and financial aid advice to prospective college students and their parents.

Led by a college counselor with more than a decade of experience advising low-income students how to apply and pay for college, students will receive a personalized response to their most pressing college questions.

Since January 1, Get Schooled has exchanged more than 150,000 college-related text messages with students and parents.


Get Schooled has developed twelve College Knowledge badges that address the obstacles of access and affordability while giving students the tools they need to complete a college education.

The Get Schooled College Application Campaign is expected to help 100,000 high school seniors this year. For more information, visit

Get Schooled